Bear Mountain Capital Inc.

Buy For the Long Term: When is that?

| July 21, 2022

During most years, the stock market tends to go up in value, 73% of the time since 1928, to be precise.1 Using historical returns as an indicator, in any given year, you’re usually better off investing in ‘the market’ than not investing at all. Unfortunately, the S&P 500 (often referred to as the ‘the market’), is having one of its worst starts to the year ever and at the time…

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Economic Hot Buttons

| June 14, 2022

Inflation is an economic indicator we discuss heavily with clients during our planning sessions to project future income needs. For years, inflation has been benign, to say the least. Over the last decade, policy makers have been attempting to increase inflation, to ensure it stays close to their preferred target of 2%. Anything lower than their 2% target, risks stagnation in an economy, or worse deflation, which is difficult to…

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How to Think About Your Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

| April 27, 2022

Given the growing popularity of equity compensation plans amongst the country’s largest corporations, offering stock to employees has become a crucial employee benefit. One of the most common forms of equity compensation are known as Restricted Stock Units, or RSUs for short. According to a 2020 survey from Charles Schwab, 5 in 10 millennials said that equity compensation was one of the main reasons why they took their job. Clearly,…

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Will You Receive Social Security?

| December 14, 2021

Each year the Social Security Administration releases their Annual Trustees Report, which provides information about the projected funding levels of the Social Security trust fund. Unless you’re looking for great bedside reading material, you probably haven’t read this year’s report. Here’s the TLDR version – the Social Security trust fund will run out of money by 2033. Society has accepted many things as common knowledge, like swallowed bubble gum taking…

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Hey Alexa – What is a Market Correction?

| December 19, 2018

  It’s official. As of earlier this week, all three major indexes (Dow Jones, S&P 500 and Nasdaq) all ended in correction territory. What is a correction? A correction is when the stock market experiences a 10% drop from it’s highs. Is it notable? Yes. Should it be worrisome? No. Let me explain. Over the last 50 years, the S&P 500 has entered into a correction 29 times. That is…

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Buying Real Estate in Seattle? In San Francisco?

| June 8, 2018

  Our clients often ask us about real estate, and what we think about buying or selling a primary residence, a vacation home, or an investment property. This is hardly surprising—for many of our clients, their family home is by far their largest asset. What’s more, most of our clients live in either the Seattle or San Francisco areas, both of which have experienced extraordinary real estate appreciation in recent…

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What Does Tax Reform Mean To You and Your Portfolio?

| March 13, 2018

Congress and the President recently passed the biggest tax reform in over 30 years. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 aims to make the United States corporate tax rate more competitive and therefore increase corporate investment domestically. The bill also provides for individual tax breaks beginning in 2018, that will expire at the end of 2025. What Does This Mean For My Portfolio? Corporations will now be taxed…

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Is a Backdoor Roth IRA a Good Strategy for Me?

| December 8, 2017

  Many people are aware of the benefits of a Roth IRA: you put your after-tax money into it, after 20 or 30 years when you retire, you pull all of the money out tax-free.  This can be a big benefit when you consider the effect of compounding returns over time. There are other benefits such as that you may be in a lower tax bracket when you pay taxes…

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Social Security Benefits for US and Non-US Citizens

| November 13, 2017

  Who is eligible for benefits? Social Security is a significant payroll tax as well as an important source of retirement income for many US and non-US citizens, alike. Workers pay into Social Security while they are working and receive the benefits when they retire. The size of Social Security benefits depends on your earnings history as well as when you begin to take benefits. But what if you are…

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What Do I Need to Know About Medicare?

| September 28, 2017

(Credit for this post goes to Rehberg Law Group. More information about Rehberg Law Group can be found at the bottom of this page.) “How can I clear up the confusion surrounding Medicare for myself or my parent(s)?”  If that is your concern and with open enrollment right around the corner, retirees will be inundated with advertisements regarding their insurance options.  This information can be conflicting and confusing.  For many…

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