Bear Mountain Capital Inc.

Roth IRA vs 529 Plan for College Savings

| September 23, 2013

We often get questions about the various ways to save and pay for college expenses. Many people are aware of the benefits and availability of 529 plans (either pre-paid tuition plans or college savings plans). However, did you know you can also use Roth IRA funds for educational expenses?? In fact, for purposes of Qualified Higher Education Expenses (QHEE), you can withdraw funds from a Roth IRA prior to the…

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Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

| March 27, 2013

Have you ever thought about making a charitable donation but want to give to several different charities?  Navigating the paper work for each individual charity and its restrictions on what can be donated can prove to be no small task.  What if you could donate to a single fund and then have it gifted out to all of the charities you choose in a streamlined fashion at the time and…

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The 101 Year Old Skier With a Roth IRA

| March 27, 2013

Ever met anyone over the age of 100?  Do you plan to live past 100?  Most of my life I would have answered no to both of these questions, but more and more as I meet or hear of people living to a ripe old age, I figure what the heck- I guess I will shoot for 101.  So, what next?   I better plan for my money to last.  This…

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Estate Planning and Tax Updates

| January 30, 2013

What follows is an update from Laura Hoexter and Xan Gerson of Helsell Fetterman regarding the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, signed into law on January 2nd, 2013.  Helsell Fetterman is a local law firm located in Seattle, WA, whose Estate Planning and Probate group is headed by Laura.  Her group maintains expertise in many areas, including estate planning, trust administration, generation skipping transfers, and family business succession planning….

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Have a Plan

| December 11, 2012

It is around this time of year, starting in October, I sit with my clients to review their long-term financial plans. Planning is tedious, often frustrating, but one of the most important elements to a person’s long-term financial security. Financial security is different for everyone, some want to only plan for retirement, some want to have funds set aside for emergency or a rainy day fund. Others would like to…

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| May 18, 2012

Facebook’s IPO reminds everyone of what is possible when it comes to having an idea, taking it to market and being rewarded for the risk of seeing it through.  While the IPO hoopla that dominated today’s headlines was welcome relief from the news regarding Greece and Europe, it does little to help long-term investors during these volatile times. To be sure, since the end of the “credit crisis”, volatility in…

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