Bear Mountain Capital Inc.

what nags you

Seattle is growing. Are your finances keeping up?

Keeping pace with the economy is no joke. Making your nest egg grow faster than your expenses requires a solid plan and well-built portfolio. We can do that.

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“Sleepless in Seattle”is not our motto. Our planning process helps answer those nagging questions keeping you up.

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Your investment portfolio should be built around your long-term plan. It’s hard to invest if you don’t know what you are trying to achieve.

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We aren’t experts in everything. But we make friends with people who are. Your financial life requires a team. Let us help you build it.

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Accreditation and Qualified Investor Status

If you are an investor and heard terms like “accredited investor” or “qualified investor” and aren’t sure how they pertain to you, you’re not alone. These terms refer to specific financial qualifications that allow investors to participate in certain types of investment opportunities that may not be available to the general public. What Is an Accredited Investor? In many countries, including the U.S., being an accredited investor means you meet…

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Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek Investment Fund

Compelling investment opportunities are not easy to find. Weve done some looking. You might like what weve found.

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