Top 10 Tax Tips
Luke Collova | March 8, 2016
As we navigate tax season, it is important to remind ourselves that tax strategies should not be employed once a year but rather year-round. Here are some tips to consider from our friends at Accountability Services: Top 10 Tax Tips 1. MAXIMIZE YOUR RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS There are many flavors of retirement accounts and there is one that best fits you and your family’s needs. You can fund an account for…
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College Planning and Financial Aid
Joe Day | December 17, 2015
If you have children nearing high school, you may feel anxious as you prepare to help pay for college expenses. Some mitigate this feeling by starting the planning process early by opening and funding college savings accounts (529 savings plans). Those who get a jump start, carve out a piece of their monthly cash flow, put it aside and allow it grow as their child gets closer and closer to leaving the house….
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Commodities?!? Really!?
Joe Day | November 5, 2015
How do you solve a problem like commodities? Sound of Music, anyone? Well, if you are not a fan of musicals, that is okay. Chances are at this point in the market cycle, you are probably not a fan of commodities, either. Commodity prices are clearly a hot-topic right now and not in a good way. As anyone who owns commodities knows, returns for the asset class have been more than frustrating the…
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Are the Markets Scaring You?
Joe Day | October 9, 2015
Halloween is almost upon us and it seems the market is doing its part to spook investors. As a result, many people may experience higher levels of anxiety regarding their investments. We prepared the following commentary as part of our most recent quarterly update to our clients. We think it provides useful perspective. Market Volatility The global equity markets the past two quarters can be summed up in one word: volatile. As…
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Benefits of a Health Savings Account?
Joe Day | September 22, 2015
(This post has been updated with additional information from our friends at Accountability Services.) When we sit down with clients to review their long-term objectives, often we discuss the basics such as retirement and college savings. These topics are heavily covered and the savings vehicles available to help meet these needs are well known. However, another top planning priority tends to be long-term health care. Most of the people…
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Are You In Good Financial Shape?
Joe Day | May 18, 2015
What is financial shape? What does it mean? Being in good financial shape is a lot like being in good physical shape. It generally means you are routinely doing things to improve your current state. It doesn’t mean you have the biggest savings account balance, largest investment portfolio or are an early investor in Uber. It means you are doing the right things, consistently, so you can meet your personal…
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Offsetting Bear Mountain Capital’s Carbon Footprint
Joe Day | March 4, 2015
Bear Mountain Capital believes in supporting our community. We donate our time and money to many worthwhile causes in the Seattle area, from arts and education to disease cure/prevention and environmental causes. When we heard about Forterra’s new initiative to work with companies and organizations in the region to help offset their impact on their environment, we were excited to get involved. Through Forterra’s Evergreen Carbon Capture Program (ECC), Bear…
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Backdoor Roth IRA’s – Are They a Good Idea?
Joe Day | February 17, 2015
Many people are aware of the benefits of a Roth IRA: you put your after-tax money into it, after 20 or 30 years when you retire, you pull all of the money out tax-free. This can be a big benefit when you consider the effect of compounding returns over time. However, not everyone can contribute to a Roth IRA. The reality is the IRS puts limitations on who can contribute…
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BMC’s Insight Stream: October’s Insight
Luke Collova | October 29, 2014
Fall is upon us and we are quickly approaching the holiday season. During this time of year we always reflect on how quickly time passes as the New Year comes rushing toward us. Bear Mountain Capital Inc. invites you to reflect on the year as it pertains to your long-term goals. The first article in this newsletter can provide you with perspective when it comes to retirement planning. The second…
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BMC’s Insight Stream: Financial Planning
Luke Collova | September 2, 2014
As we enter Fall, we are planning ahead for the upcoming year and beyond. With the Holiday season right around the corner, it may be time to revisit your financial plan. Bear Mountain Capital encourages you to keep the future in mind as we approach the latter half of the year. There is still time to reach your New Years resolutions (made oh so long ago). We invite you to…
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