Bill Gross on Bloomberg Radio
Bill Gross is one of the best bond managers, globally. Here he is on Bloomberg Radio: Link to Bloomberg Radio
Bill Gross is one of the best bond managers, globally. Here he is on Bloomberg Radio: Link to Bloomberg Radio
A look at Washington state’s cities and how they rank in creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth. Seattle’s rank has not changed from last year, Olympia moved from 9th to 7th, Tacoma dropped to 21st from 8th (due to the Russell move, no-doubt) and Spokane fell from 35th to 41st:
This article from the Wall Street Journal highlights a couple pieces of information: current TARP outlays, TARP repayments, the US debt ceiling and the pressures on this administration to reign in the deficit in the near future:
The following article is from, published November 11th, 2009. It is a timely article given the fear surrounding current US monetary policy and what it means for the US dollar as a primary currency reserve. I think the telling point in this article is “what are the options?” to the US $ as the primary currency reserve. There are solutions, but they not going to be easily adopted anytime…
Let me preface this with saying that I always think that these types of graphs are self-serving for the people in my position. However, it is still interesting data when considering the recent run in equities:
This chart from The Economist highlights how the control of oil supplies will be one of the biggest economic and political challenges of the developing nations, specifically Asia:
Just another reason why Google’s ability to leverage the data it collects through search information makes it one of the most fascinating and frightening companies around:
This is a very interesting organization. A friend of mine e-mailed me a link on them this morning. They facilitate micro-loans to entrepreneurs in developing nations:
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